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Welcome to National Police Service Commission

The National Police Service Commission (NPSC) is one of the independent commissions established under Chapter Fifteen of the Constitution 2010. The Commission is established under Article 246 of the Constitution. It took over, among other functions, the human resource management function of the Police Service, that previously was being handled by the Public Service Commission.

The establishment of the National Police Service Commission to specifically oversee the human resource functions of the National Police Service is not only anchored in the Constitution, but also a culmination of findings and recommendations by various task forces appointed by the Government on the role of the Police in providing security and maintaining law and order.

The Alston Report, Akiwumi Report, Waki Report and the Ransley Report pointed out that one of the critical areas that led to a dysfunctional police service was the manner in which the powers and functions of appointments, transfers, promotions and discipline were exercised. Among the recommendations of the Ransley task force was the delinking of the police from the Public Service Commission and the establishment of the Police Service Commission, dedicated to overseeing the human resource function of the Police Service.

As stipulated in Article 246(2)(a), the Commission consists of nine (9) members, which include a person qualified to be appointed as a High Court Judge; two retired senior police officers; three persons of integrity who have served the public with distinction; the Inspector-General of the National Police Service and both Deputy Inspectors-General of the National Police Service.

The NPSC began operations on October 5, 2012, following the appointment of six Commissioners through Gazette Notice No. 95 dated October 3, 2012. The inaugural Commissioners included Chairman Johnston Kavuludi, Vice Chairperson (Late) Esther Chui Colombini, and members Ronald Leposo Musengi, Mary Auma Owuor, Murshid A. Mohamed, and Dr. Maj. (Rtd) Shadrack Muiu.

Currently, the Commission is led by Chairman Eliud Kinuthia, CBS, and Vice Chairperson Dr. Alice Otwala. Other Commissioners are John Ole Moyaki, Eusebius Laibuta, Dr. Lillian Kiambaa, and Edwin Cheluget. Also serving are the Ag. Inspector General of Police Douglas Kanja. The Chief Executive Officer is Peter Leley, with Amin Mohamed, Director of Directorate of Criminal Investigations, serving as a Co-opted member.

The Commission is responsible for human resource management within the National Police Service, comprising the Kenya Police Service, the Administration Police, and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations.

Our Mandate

The NPSC derives its mandate from the Constitution of Kenya 2010. Article 246 (3) gives the Commission the mandate to:

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