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The inquiry into the reasons for the post-election violence amongst other things pointed out weaknesses in the security sector including those in Kenya Police (KP) and Administration
Police (AP).The recommendations contained in the WAKI report led to the formation of the National Task Force on Police Reforms which was chaired by Hon. Justice (Rtd) Philip Ransley, whose objective was to look into the weaknesses of the KP and AP and to suggest solutions for improvement and reform.

A number of reform recommendations were made –structural, institutional and legal. Part of the recommendations was the formation of the National Police Service Commission (NPSC) which was to facilitate key reforms in the police service specifically those related to Human Resource Management.

The RANSLEY team highlighted the fact that the police service was inefficient, corrupt and ineffective for a number of reasons which included lack of an independent command as a result of patronage of the political and business classes which resulted into improper transfers, recruitment tainted with corruption, promotions that compromised merit and disciplinary measures marred with unfairness.

These issues resulted in inefficient management of the human resource capital (police officers) and in turn caused despondency, demotivation of police officers leading to an
inefficient and ineffective police service.

The RANSLEY team thus recommended the formation of the Commission in order to take charge of all Human Resource Management aspects of the police service. These include recruitment, appointment, transfer, promotions and exercise of disciplinary control of officers in the National Police Service.

Many stakeholders have expressed the inability of civilians to address matters of the Police Service, insinuating that the Commission is made up of civilians. Contrary to this view, the
Commission which consists ofninecommissionershas three Commissioners who are the top 3 commanders of the service i.e. the Inspector-General and the two Inspectors-General. It also has two senior police officers who retired from the Kenya Police and Administration Police Service, respectively.

The majority of the Commissioners, 5 out of 9, have either served or are serving police officers.

Further, decisions on human resource matters have an effective input of the top service commanders of the Service since they are Commissioners/members of the Commission.

The Commission comprises of 9 members;

(i) A person qualified to be appointed as a judge of the High Court.
(ii) Three persons of high moral character and who have served the public with distinction.
(iii) Two retired senior police officers from the Kenya Police and the Administration police service respectively.
(iv) The Inspector-General.
(v) Both Deputy Inspectors-General of the National Police Service.

No, The Commission does not deal with any operational matters of the Service as this function exclusively belongs to the command of the Service, i.e. the IG and the two Deputy IGs.

The Commission is involved in the human resource functions that include recruitment, appointment, determining transfers and promotions and exercising disciplinary control.

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